The Athletic Training (AT) Milestones are based on the extensive work of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) who developed Milestones as “competency-based developmental outcomes (e.g., knowledge, skills, attitudes, and performance) that can be demonstrated progressively by residents/fellows from the beginning of their education through graduation to the unsupervised practice of their specialties”.1 The ACGME requires the use of specialty specific milestones in the accreditation of their medical residency and fellowship training programs. The ACGME “… is an independent, not-for-profit, physician-led organization that sets and monitors the professional educational standards essential in preparing physicians to deliver safe, high-quality medical care to all Americans.” 2 The mission of the ACGME is to “improve health care and population health by assessing and advancing the quality of resident physicians’ education through accreditation”. 2
The AT Milestones Project Team evaluated the process and outcomes of the ACGME Milestones3 and carefully considered the relationship between athletic training and physician practice and the supervisory relationship inherent therein. Subsequently, it was determined to build the AT Milestones based on the ACGME Milestones framework. The various medical specialties liberally adopt the structure and language in their specific Milestones from peer specialties where efficient and effective language has been previously identified. The AT Milestones Project Team took the same approach and sought to utilize the language previously developed by the various ACGME and American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) specialty board(s) wherever possible to maximize efficiency and alignment with the education of our physician peers. The AT Milestones Project Team has adopted ACGME Milestones language in various forms, and modified the ACGME Milestones to meet the specific needs of the athletic training profession, on a non-exclusive basis for educational purposes only. There is no intent to seek any financial gain from the AT Milestones and they have been developed solely for educational purposes.
The AT Milestones Project Team give full attribution to the ACGME and the authors of the specialty specific Milestones on which the AT Milestones were based, which are referenced below. 4-10